Tolar HashNET: 2022. Annual retrospective

Tolar HashNET
3 min readJan 2, 2023

It has been a busy and hard year for Tolar HashNET, and we are here to share some of our key highlights and updates with you.

From the technical side, Tolar HashNET v1.1 was released in June, containing performance upgrades, gossip protocol improvement and better disk space utilization (current blockchain size will take up to 80% less size after v1.1 upgrade is complete). As you’re probably aware, all of the high-speed layer-1 blockchains have problems with extremely fast storage growth, even if usage is not as high. This was important update to keep Tolar running long into foreseable future without running into hardware limitations.

To make current (and future) dApp developers lifes easier, we’ve added JSON RPC API in addition to gRPC, which include interactive playground for those interested in developing or integrating with Tolar.

And for the end of the year, Tolar explorer v1.1 is nearly finished and will be deployed in Q1, enabling ERC20 token tracker, ERC720 token tracker, contract verification, transaction browsing and much more. This also comes as significant help for future developers, since current explorer offered just byte code for decoding through other tools.

Unfortunately, we have also faced some challenges this year, as we lost several Solidity developers who were developing Tolarswap ( (DEX built on Tolar HashNET platform) and LocalNFT platform ( Those projects has been mostly finished, but missing those last 10% to make it actually usable for wider audience. To make them production ready, we’re looking for new Solidity developers interested in cooperating on this kind of projects.

On the exchange front, Tolar was listed on P2PB2B ( with TOL/ETH, TOL/BTC, TOL/USDC pairs.

Hotbit kept most of the users funds locked during this year ( where we thought that it will go the way of hacked Bilaxy, or the way of exchanges like Folgory, Tokens, Systemcoin and Dobi. However, for some good news this year, Hotbit finally resumed trading, and you can now trade, deposit and withdraw mainnet Tolars on Hotbit as well.

The results of our business endeavors were not as successful as we had planned, but we were able to secure additional funding that will allow us to sustain our operations for the next two years. If we don’t manage to raise additional funding for future development in next two years, we will open-source the entire project and empower our community to run it.

And lastly, since the swap has been running for more than two years, and almost all trading and development action is now running on mainnet Tolar, we’ll be stopping swap process and support for Ethereum ERC20 TOL token at 28th Feb 2023. so make sure to swap your ERC20 TOL for mainnet TOL until then.

All the best from Tolar team.



Tolar HashNET

Editorial team of Tolar HashNET — DLT that keeps all positive characteristics of blockchain while increasing throughput to 200,000 TPS.